· Nov 10, @ am. they are based on motion inputs you have hold X direction + H, double tap + H, just tap H and + H same goes for the other method this time for "defense skills". so yeah good luck the other method is to turn your interface into WoW and If you are stuck and don’t know how to get the heart of the various heroines in Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, this strategy guide will walk you through the steps. This dating sim strategy works for all the heroine ladies in the game. Step 1: Increase the heroine’s mood to level 5 (In Love) Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization. How the Romance System ACTUALLY works! User Info: CodeChameleon. CodeChameleon 4 years ago #1. Well, it turns out there is a method to the madness of the Romance System in this game. And 4 hours (and one massive headache) of testing later, I believe I've figured out the framework of it
Fast Dating and Bedroom Strategy | Hollow Fragment - Sword Art Online Info
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Boards Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization Dating system? User Info: GnatB. User Info: Szeeshan. Yep I agree with you on that, their is a severe lack of tutorials in the game. I generally sword art online hollow realization dating trigger finding things out for myself, but when there's a mixture of bad translation and complicated systems, it gets to be a bit much lol. You're pretty much spot on as far as the points go.
The speed of the heart doesn't impact anything really gameplay wise, it just happens when you get closer. The color of the heart is the only thing you have to worry about. You're safe to hit any actions until the heart turns blue. If sword art online hollow realization dating trigger stay too close with the heart being blue, they'll end the date on you. If you're fast enough though you can hit the action quick and get back into the purple zone, though with the new update, if you go too far into the blue you wont have enough time to make it back before they end the date.
A different mood will make certain actions give stars while other moods will give hearts. I did just make a post in another thread, can just copy paste it here though. As far as dating goes, it's really not too bad once you get the hang of it, but it's a bit complicated at first.
You're just wanting to get them in the right mood for Pillow Talk. There are a few different cutscenes you can get based on which mood you've got them sword art online hollow realization dating trigger, whether it's Intimate, Playful or Blissful.
I've been able to get all four of the cutscenes just between those three moods. An action like Gaze will give Hearts to Lisbeth while shes in a Normal Mood will give Stars to Strea in a Normal mood. You just have to test the waters a bit, writing down which actions give stars and which give hearts.
Unfortunately it gets more complicated than sword art online hollow realization dating trigger having to figure out the actions for one mood. What I mean by that is that the actions that will give you hearts in one mood, may give you stars in another mood. Take Lisbeth for example, when you hit the Pull Close action while her mood is normal, it will give stars, but when her mood is Excited, it'll give hearts.
I do have a few of the characters moods written down, but I've only got the full list of actions for their Normal moods. You don't have to do all this though if you're just looking to get max affinity for the trophy. You can just button mash to rank 6 for that. This is just more for if you're trying to get all 4 of the cutscenes.
I'm a fan of SAO myself, so I enjoyed reading them. I did also notice that occasionally when hitting certain prompts, I was getting Connected for some of the characters, but I wouldn't have a clue where to start as far as getting it consistently. Maybe it has something to do with a mixture of both actions thrown in there, like Blissful.
More topics from this board Is multiplayer broken? How to get gunpowder items? Main Quest 1 Answer Where can i get the best 1h sword?
Side Quest 5 Answers Which order do I play the games in? Plot 1 Answer Where can I find the elucidator? SAO HR pc Side Quest 1 Answer Is the game cross play? Tech Support 1 Answer. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: GnatB GnatB 4 years ago 1 This game is in serious need of a manual. Anyways, Is there any guide or anything to how the dating system is supposed to work? I know there are guides on how to "abuse" it to quickly get to a bed scene, but that's not the question.
I'm not particularly interested in them, and they don't seem particularly hard to access, sword art online hollow realization dating trigger. I'm more interested in getting a girl into a specific mood, largely to get a particular trait on her. Anyways, here's what I think I've figured out. Everything after 3 could be completely wrong. Which dating spot you are in decides the topic of conversation. obvious 3. Zooming in let's you access various moves. The success of doing a move seems to be maybe?
based on the color of the beating heart. When you succeed, hearts or stars will fly out of the heart. Seems to be somewhat random though, which is which? Hearts give heart progress, stars give star progress.
Sometimes though, inexplicably? one side or the other will drop to nothing. Not sure if advanced to next level, sword art online hollow realization dating trigger, or somehow zeroed out?
There are 2 relationship mood "tracks", I'll call 'em Intimacy and Playfullness. Playfullness increases from stars, intimacy from hearts. The final mood along the tracks are Playful and Intimate. There may possibly? be moods that are dependent on both tracks. The color of the friendship bar indicates which mood track is "in the lead", sword art online hollow realization dating trigger.
IIRC bed scene does this, think totally failing a date does too. No clue whatsoever if the speed of the beating heart is tied to any actual gameplay mechanic, or if it's just a indicator that things are getting serious? I know some traits specifically say they increase intimacy or playfullness by some percent. Presumably that increases the odds of getting stars or hearts. Also possibly the dating spot in question affects the results?
User Info: Szeeshan Szeeshan 4 years ago 2 Yep I agree with you on that, their is a severe lack of tutorials in the game.
User Info: Szeeshan Szeeshan 4 years ago 3 As far as dating goes, it's really not too bad once you get the hang of it, but it's a bit complicated at first. Anybody playing SAO HR on the Switch? I am super stuck Help. I started a couple of days ago and have a couple of questions Help. Game breaking bug, have to redo everything. Main Quest. Where can i get the best 1h sword? Side Quest. Which order do I play the games in? Where can I find the elucidator? SAO HR pc Side Quest. Is the game cross play?
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Dating system? - Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization

Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization. How the Romance System ACTUALLY works! User Info: CodeChameleon. CodeChameleon 4 years ago #1. Well, it turns out there is a method to the madness of the Romance System in this game. And 4 hours (and one massive headache) of testing later, I believe I've figured out the framework of it · You can then bring your partner to different dating spots in the game and trigger private conversations with them. There are a limited amount of times you can have private conversations with different characters; to "reset" them, you have to sleep in the inn, temporarily split up with your partner/date, or spend some time away exploring If you are stuck and don’t know how to get the heart of the various heroines in Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, this strategy guide will walk you through the steps. This dating sim strategy works for all the heroine ladies in the game. Step 1: Increase the heroine’s mood to level 5 (In Love)
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